

Oceana is an apartment complex, located in the best area of Playa de Carmen, just a few meter form the beach. More than a simple apartment building, Oceana is an escape from routine, it is the possibility of knowing that paradise is just a couple of hours away by plane. Endless summers and warm winters in a place full of advantages and comforts

Property type: Vertical residence

Location: Playa de Carmen, QROO


217: 217 sqm, 3 br, 3.5 wc, $1,100,000 usd

414: 80 sq, 1.5 br, 2 wc, $400,000 usd

Virtual Tour:

217: https://app.cloudpano.com/tours/TRA40n7KS

414: https://app.cloudpano.com/tours/caTeGtSMT